COVID Chronicles | Mental Health & Trauma Therapy During COVID-19
Weekly Health Digest: Covid-19 Brain Changes, Georgia Mental Health Bill, Child Malaria Treatment
A summary of important health news from the past week. Covid-19 May Cause Brain Changes, Even With Mild Infection By: Shawn Radcliffe, Healthline In an article from Healthline, Shawn Radcliffe reports about a new study that finds that brain changes…
Dr. Carla Haack: A Surgeon’s Journey to the Heart of Health
Where Mind and Body Meet: The Gut-Brain Axis
Photo by Kira auf der Heide on Unsplash (rights-free) By: Lexi Rosmarin We typically think of mental health as being just that - the intricacies of the mind and brain working to control our thoughts and feelings. However, our mental…
COVID Chronicles | COVID-19 & Mental Health
COVID Chronicles | Quaranteens: COVID-19 and the Social Media Epidemic
Mind over Matter: Sleep Research, Impacts on Life
Photo by elizabeth lies on Unsplash (rights-free) The concept of sleep has been a pertinent phenomenon of interest and is arguably one of the most crucial human activities. Its complexity and role in proliferating human life have intrigued scientists for…
COVID Chronicles | Navigating the Pandemic: The Past, Present and Future
An Emory Helpliner’s Tips against the stress and loneliness of Social Distancing
Photo by Imani Bahati on Unsplash (rights-free) By: Jocelyn Spizman Between social distancing, quarantining, and the general anxiety from a pandemic, there is a lot of loneliness throughout the world right now. At Emory, all students should feel connected and…