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A red-violet image of a brainm, with circuit diagrams to the left and ribbons and stars to the right, surmounted by a semi-opaque white blog containing the words "Health Beyond the Blog"
Photo by Deon Black on Unsplash (rights-free)

With the possibilities for personal and professional development for women now more attainable and socially acceptable than before, the decision to delay motherhood is becoming more and more commonplace. For some, starting a family may not be an aspiration at all or is at least a distant priority. But, for those who do see motherhood in their future, egg freezing presents the promise of keeping that dream alive even past the window of optimum fertility. In the docu-short, Why It Costs $15,000 to Freeze Your Eggs. The science of egg freezing, or oocyte cryopreservation, is explored, as are the incentives, costs, and consequences of the procedure for women, medicine, and society. 
Watch here.