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A blue-green image of researchers' hands, operating a computer and handling test tubes, surmounted by a semi-opaque white box bearing the word "News"

The Rise of Intuitive Eating

News Team member Julia Roth reports that intuitive eating, with its roots in deep psychological and physiological understanding, offers a liberating alternative to restrictive diets, fostering a harmonious relationship between body, mind, and food.
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A blue-green image of researchers' hands, operating a computer and handling test tubes, surmounted by a semi-opaque white box bearing the word "News"

MDMA, From the Club To Therapy

News Team member Julia Roth reports that amidst ongoing research and controversies, MDMA-assisted therapy emerges as a beacon of hope, potentially transforming the treatment landscape for individuals grappling with the enduring impacts of PTSD.
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A blue-green image of researchers' hands, operating a computer and handling test tubes, surmounted by a semi-opaque white box bearing the word "News"

Acetaminophen Risks in Pregnancy

News Team member Manju Karthikeyan examines a recent study associating women's acetaminophen use in pregnancy with higher risks of neurodevelopmental disorders in their children, and asks how the field of teratology has evolved since the 1961 thalidomide tragedy.
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