Can psychedelics bridge the gap between mental health, spirituality, and modern medicine? Former Google product manager turned medical researcher Fayzan Rab joins Dr. Charles Raison to explore groundbreaking research on psychedelic therapy, its economic impact, and its unexpected intersections with faith and identity.
Spirituality, Health and Compassion: a Conversation with the Reverend Maureen Shelton, Part 1
“Spirituality is a seeking and discovery of one’s sacred values; values that are influenced by connectedness to self, others and earth; the aspiration to realize ideals; and the journey of asking the profound questions of life.”
Thought of in this way, it is not hard to grasp why spirituality has become increasingly recognized as an essential, but often missing, component of optimal healthcare. No one is better trained and positioned to meet the need of better integrating spirituality into the American medical system than hospital chaplains, who play an increasingly outsized role in supporting the emotional and physical health, not just of patients, but of medical staff as well. Join us on this podcast as Maureen Shelton, M.Div engages us in a wide-ranging discussion about chaplaincy in general, and more specifically about remarkable developments in the Emory Department of Spiritual Health, for which she serves as System Director of Education and Director of the Division of Compassion-Centered Spiritual Health (CCSH). In particular, we discuss how the addition of compassion training to chaplaincy education has begun to transform the ability of spiritual health clinicians to meet the spiritual, emotional, and social needs of patients and personnel within the Emory Healthcare system. In this first of a two-part series, Reverend Shelton walks us through the steps of Cognitively-Based Compassion Training (CBCT®), which forms the first step of training in the clinical practice of CCSH, a research-supported approach to spiritual health that is our focus in the second podcast of this series.
This episode is Part 1 in a two-part series.