New from the @EmoryCSHH News Team:
New approaches to cardiovascular care for older adults, Ozempic as a possible treatment for substance abuse, flu cases skyrocket while COVID-19 declines.
This week, we’re recommending a 57-minute journey through Argentina’s Patagonia region with a stressed-out filmmaker, a 92-year-old Benedictine Monk, and the “happiest man in the world” in the form of the Netflix documentary “From Stress to Happiness.” This documentary shares the wisdom of Mattieu Ricard (the “happiest man in the world”) and Brother David and asks us to take a step back from our busy, stressful lives to consider beauty, fear, happiness, and purpose. They reassure us that tight or difficult situations are simply an opportunity for the birth of a new skill or positive trait. While the film, directed by Alejandro De Grazia, reminds us that happiness and purpose are not simple or easy to discover and develop, it was definitely the most inspiring and motivating hour of my past week.
Find the film on Netflix.