New from the @EmoryCSHH News Team:
New approaches to cardiovascular care for older adults, Ozempic as a possible treatment for substance abuse, flu cases skyrocket while COVID-19 declines.
Surgeon general wants Naloxone widely on hand. Is this feasible?
Kaiser Health News
Surgeon General Jerome Adams has issued an advisory, which calls for more people to carry naloxone. Naloxone is a lifesaving treatment used for opioid overdoses. The surgeon general has called for family and friends to carry naloxone in addition to the people at risk for opioid overdose. There are many critiques claiming that this advisory for more people to carry naloxone will not be very effective mainly because the drug is so expensive.
It’s not just the oceans: Microplastic pollution is all around us
Mark Tutton
In recent years, scientists have found microplastics present in our soil, tap water, bottled water, beer, and in the air. Agricultural fertilizer made of sewage sludge may be one major source of this contamination. While further research is needed to assess the risks microplastics may pose for human and environmental health, some scientists point out that high levels of the chemicals in plastics can damage and kill human cells.
In A Puerto Rican Mountain Town, Hope Ebbs And Health Suffers
Sarah Varney
Many places in Puerto Rico, such as the mountain town of Castañer, are still experiencing resource shortages from last September’s Hurricane Maria. Problems areexacerbated by power outages (as recent as last week), school closures, and unemployment. This is leading to chronic mental health concerns, including anxiety attacks, along with significant physical health concerns. Many people who rely on medical devices, such as ventilators for survival are at a high risk.