New from the @EmoryCSHH News Team:
New approaches to cardiovascular care for older adults, Ozempic as a possible treatment for substance abuse, flu cases skyrocket while COVID-19 declines.
By: Chris Eagle
What are the major ethical issues of the Coronavirus Pandemic? What is the day-to-day experience of ‘frontline’ healthcare workers? Why are so many conspiracy theories appearing to explain the true cause of the Pandemic? “Health Jawns” is a new Health Humanities Youtube Channel where CSHH senior lecturer Chris Eagle interviews health experts, ethicists, and writers to get their unique perspectives on the past six months and what’s to come. His guests for Fall semester are NYT-bestselling novelist Karen Thompson Walker, bioethicist Dr. Craig Klugman, head of hospitalist medicine Dr. Dhaval Desai, and conspiracy theory expert, Dr. Chris Fleming.
On the first episode of Health Jawns, Chris Eagle interviews Karen Thompson Walker, NYT bestselling author of The Dreamers about her thoughts on the Coronavirus Pandemic, and what it was like to write a novel about a pandemic and then watch one unfold a year later.