New from the @EmoryCSHH News Team:
New approaches to cardiovascular care for older adults, Ozempic as a possible treatment for substance abuse, flu cases skyrocket while COVID-19 declines.
What those teal pumpkins mean, plus non-candy treats to pass out on Halloween
Jennifer McClellan
This Halloween, the Teal Pumpkin Project is fighting to keep kids with food allergies safe. By putting a teal pumpkin outside their door, homeowners can let trick-or-treaters know that their house will be giving out non-candy items. This simple replacement doesn’t just ensure that ALL kids have a fun Halloween, but also might save lives.
College students experienced trauma symptoms after Trump’s election, study says
Jen Christensen
According to a study published in the Journal of American College Health, 1 out of 4 students surveyed experienced clinically significant event-related distress short term as a result of the 2016 election. The survey that students completed asked questions to determine the emotional effect of the election in addition to the election’s impact on close relationships.
Making The Case For The Chief Wellness Officer In America’s Health Systems: A Call To Action
Sandeep Kishore
This Health Affairs article outlines the importance of a Chief Wellness Officer (CWO) position in hospitals. CWOs will be essential to the prioritization of well being for all clinicians. By having an advocate specifically for the physician, healthcare will improve.
Nutritionists rank Halloween candy from better to worst
Christina Heiser
In addition to tips on how to consume Halloween candy in moderation, nutritionist weigh in on which candy is best, or at least less bad, for you. Find out where your favorite falls on the list, whether it be chocolate, candy corn, or lollipops!
New drug kills antibiotic-resistant bacteria in clinical trial
Maria Cohut
A pharmaceutical company in Osaka, Japan has developed a drug that seems to be effective in killing bacteria that are resistant against many common antibiotics. A phase II randomized trial has found that the drug is both effective and well-tolerated in patients seeking treatment for UTIs (Urinary Tract Infections).
Ninth death reported at New Jersey pediatric center amid viral outbreak
Associated Press
Another child has died following a monthlong adenovirus outbreak in a New Jersey rehabilitation facility. Although the virus does not usually pose a risk to healthy humans, the strain at the facility is a more potent type. Currently, no new residents are being admitted while the outbreak is still present.