New from the @EmoryCSHH News Team:
New approaches to cardiovascular care for older adults, Ozempic as a possible treatment for substance abuse, flu cases skyrocket while COVID-19 declines.
​Mice Study Shows Antibiotics Are Changing Microbiomes
Alexandra Sifferlin
A new mice study published in Nature Microbiologysuggests antibiotics could be interfering with the microbiome in such a way that may impact with disease risk. The microbiome is a community of bacteria that live in the gut and elsewhere throughout the body. Director of the Human Microbiome Program at NYU Langone Health, Dr. Martin Blaser, says this research may indicate that the effects of antibiotic treatment are long lasting and far reaching among generations.
Nearly half of Americans now have high blood pressure, based on new guidelines
Susan Scutti
Approximately 46% of Americans are now considered to have high blood pressure based on recently released new guidelines. New parameters designate the high blood pressure category as a measurement of 130/80, rather than the previous measure of 140/90. This parameter change will result in 14% more Americans being considered as having high blood pressure.
Researchers raise new questions about the hurricane death toll in Puerto Rico
John D. Sutter
People in Puerto Rico are still dealing with the aftermath of Hurricane Maria, and researchers are learning more about how the Hurricane has impacted the island. Some demographers have found evidence suggesting that the death toll may be eight times higher than the official number from the Puerto Rican government.
Health experts turn up their noses at new school lunch rule
Maggie Fox
On Wednesday, the U.S. Agriculture Department (USDA) announced a new lunch rule that allows schools to serve salty foods and sweetened milk while skipping on the whole grains. The USDA argues that this rule will give the schools flexibility in planning their menus in order to make them appealing and nutritious. Health experts, however, believe that the new rule is a return to unhealthy eating ways and will not get the kids to eat better.
Quick-fix slimming pills ‘potentially dangerous’, says medicines body
BBC News
The UK based Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) surveyed people on their use of slimming products, finding one in three had bought pills online and two-thirds of these had experience side effects. Some of these pills can have serious health effects, such as blurred vision, diarrhea, and heart issues. Further, some of these pills contain banned ingredients.