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Commercial Surrogacy in India: A Bioethical Debate

By India Ciánna Stevenson Commercial surrogacy in India is a controversial topic of debate in bioethics. India’s attempts to regulate and control commercial surrogacy struggles to find a balance between two conflicting interests: preventing the exploitation of surrogates and protecting…

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Hunting for a Dose

Photo by little plant on Unsplash (rights-free) By: Zainab Molumo In the weeks leading up to his inauguration, then President-elect Biden announced what at the time seemed like an ambitious goal: to deliver 100 million vaccines during his first 100…

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The Opioid Epidemic & Drug Policy

By: Sarah Du Ted Flores was in his early twenties when he was first introduced to opioids following a car crash. For six years, he battled a constant cycle of withdrawals from taking more than what his physician prescribed, often…

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