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Photo by National Cancer Institute on Unsplash (rights-free)

By: Zainab Molumo

Your Skin; the mammoth of all human organs and the title of season 3, episode 8 of the Netflix + Vox docuseries, Explained. In an enthralling (at times perturbing) deep-dive into the skin, viewers get an up-close-and-personal view of our biological overcoat, evolved to serve as our greatest line of defense against infection and disease and an ecosystem upon which trillions of microscopic organisms cohabitate and thrive. An expert rundown of the skin’s physiology, the history of ancient and modern skincare practices, and the long-sought, ever-elusive answers to questions concerning the secret to a radiant, ageless glow, are all amongst the topics dissected in this twenty-two-minute installation. 

Visit Netflix to watch the full episode or catch a preview here.

Vox's 'Explained' Returns to Netflix with a New Limited Series,  “Coronavirus, Explained” - Vox Media
Vox + Netflix Explained